"Coaching" advice- part 2
Let's see... Where did I leave off? I was back in Colorado, after my trip to Germany and wondering where to attend college when my mom reminded me that I applied to Metro and could go there until I figured out what I was going to do. So I ended up on campus, going through orientation, taking my assessment tests and talking with an advisor.
My first day passed and I soon got into the rhythm of attending class, reading the assigned chapters and in general, getting acquainted with the campus and my fellow students. One day, I was in a bathroom in the Tivoli (no joke) when I spotted an advertisement for work-study students to work in the Athletic Department. Being the athletic person that I am, I figured this would be a great opportunity; Being the young woman that I was at the time, I figured that working in Athletics would be a great excuse to check out the guys.
In Athletics, I met my boss and the woman that has helped me become the person I am today: Laura. Everyone on campus knows Laura- she is a spunky, energetic person who is so caring and wants to help you out that she would drop whatever she was working on to make sure that you sign up for the correct class/make your doctor's appointment/ask if your dog is okay after eating a pound of chocolate, usw. I would like to believe that I am the daughter that Laura never had but always wanted- grown.
Laura and I were a great team. As I began to show more interest in working more hours and taking on more tasks, she was willing to take me under her wing and provide me with more opportunities. I worked more events, I completed more office tasks, I learned so much about the College and running a department while I worked with Laura for my first year. Then after the spring semester was over, Laura hit me with some bad news: She was leaving Athletics to work in the President's Office. I was happy for her but I was sad- above all, Laura had become a close friend. I figured that I would still see her on campus but things wouldn't be the same.
Laura's replacement, a man named Charles and I began to work together, everything went along somewhat smoothly. Charles was a great guy but he wasn't Laura. I think that the best part about that summer was that I became more confident in my abilities to perform my work duties in the Athletics Department. I began working with Danny, who at the time, was the newly hired soccer coach and business manager. Danny taught me the basics about the budget, which really has helped me out, especially in the office that I work in today.
But back to my story.
As I was getting ready for my sophomore year, I was hit with horrible news: since I was receiving a scholarship for being Rowdy, I no longer qualified for work-study funds and because of budget cuts, Athletics didn't have the funds to pay me anymore, i.e. I was out of a job.
Enter Laura- my savior. Laura called me after she heard the news and offered me a job in the drumroll please..... President's Office.
That's right. I was going to work in the President's Office. Oh yeah. I jumped for joy- mainly because I was going to employed again BUT especially because I would be working with Laura. Life was good.
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