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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Shhh.... Don't tell!! It's a secret!!!

As a Metro State student, there are many things that you won't ever figure out unless someone tells you. For instance, you might never know about a drawer on the third floor of a particular building is filled with chocolate- which you can eat if you know which office and which person to ask. You might never figure out how to score a free locker in the locker rooms. Or which events have the best catering.
Ready for another secret? This is a big one. This information will explain my role here at the College for the last 5.5 years and my relationships with the people that I see everyday (hopefully, you as a prospective/current/former student will interact with these wonderful folks).
I'm the mascot. I am Rowdy the Roadrunner. That big beautiful furry bird that represents Metro State so well (at least in my opinion): Rowdy is the all-around good guy in Denver, the one that plays with children while their parents watch my fellow athletes complete, the one that jokes with every fan, the one who jumps with excitement when my teams win and the one who cries when they lose.
See, I've always been a superfan. I was voted most spirited in high school, so naturally stepping into this role at Metro was fairly easy. I would like to think that it was just a talent that I have (a few other talents that I have: I'm great at remembering numbers and faces, a flair for dressing, and great communication skills).
Usually, a mascot's true identity is a secret. This is a rule that I have lived by for far too long. Why reveal myself as the mascot? Why not? Other mascots in the Denver area proudly display their "mascots-ness"; why shouldn't I?
The real reason for revealing my other identity- in December, I will officially retire as Rowdy. In the fall semester I will be training my replacement, who will proudly carry on the tradition of all great Roadrunners in the history of this great education institution.
Need another reason? As a mascot, I am constantly being invited to other colleges or mascot events. This last weekend, I was at the Broncos Fan Fair for a little mascot tackle football. I had a great time with all of my friends, some who have graduated and are now professional mascots. But I couldn't tell anyone. My family and friends have heard my stories for years, about which mascot does this and which mascot went here.
Now I have a great venue for telling my stories: right here.