Is there a Dr. Phil in your life??
Call me Oprah.
Not because I am of African-American descent. Not because I am curvaceous. Not because I run a television show (does sitting on the Board of Student Media count?).
Call me Oprah because I have my own Dr. Phil. Not just one Dr. Phil but many. Why am I so lucky, to have so many people just willing to throw advice my way? Chalk it up to luck or the alignment of the stars (Pluto is in the ninth house, btw).
The person who commits this act regularly (will remain nameless to protect their identity) is someone that is extremely close to me. We have been friends for a while and they are just going through a different life phase than me, which allows them to spew advice like it was candy. And it doesn't matter what the topic is- this person is the know-all, end-all on EVERY topic known to humankind.
Need a new car mechanic? They have the best mechanic.
Need to buy a house? They know a realtor that can show you a house this afternoon.
Need a date for this weekend? They work with this person who has a great personality.
You need to register for classes at Metro and because it is your first semester and you haven't declared a major and you want to take some interesting classes and you need to know where the study lounges are and you want to know the name of that hot basketball player? Well, actually this is something that I could tell you.
But I'm straying from the topic. I just want to know that I am not the only person on this beautiful planet with a couple of Dr. Phils in my life. I do realize that people are capable (or should be- that's another post for another day) of giving advice in areas where they have some expertise or first-hand knowledge. But can a person truly give advice in all areas of your life?
And if this person is capable of giving advice in all areas of your life, then aren't they really running your life? This is my dilemma: How much advice should I take before these people are directing my life, and I am no longer living my life?
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