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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Just a few reasons why I am thankful

I'm thankful that I survived another year.
I'm thankful for my family, friends and co-workers.
I'm thankful for the Women's Soccer team, bringing Metro State another National Title.
I'm thankful that I get to brag about our National Title to my friends who attend other colleges.
I'm thankful for the opportunities I have received here at Metro.
I'm thankful for my experiences here at Metro- except for when I slipped on ice my sophomore year in front of this guy that I thought was really good-looking.
I'm thankful I got to travel with the Men's Basketball team.... twice.
I'm thankful that I completed a psychological study on my fellow classmates as an undergraduate.
I'm thankful to have persevered to earn a bachelor's degree.
I'm thankful for my health, the health of my family, friends and co-workers and of course, my readers.
I'm thankful that I work with great people who really care about you and hold you up when you are feeling down.
I'm thankful for technology, as it is playing a special role in my life and that of my family's life.
I'm thankful of early detection of diseases- so please visit the doctor regularly and check yourself out.
I'm thankful that people are reading this blog and enjoying what I write.

I'm thankful of many other things, which I can't think of right now but I will remember as soon as I post this.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

"It's a great day to be a Roadrunner!"

A cheer to the players on the Women's Soccer team that just won the NCAA Division II National Championship title (again). I'm so happy to be a Roadrunner today. This is fantastic for our ladies, who have worked their tails off trying to get back to that stage.
Not that I have any experience on the national stage (besides mascot-ing for the athletes on the floor) but I bet it is like winning the lottery- you can't believe it but it actually happened. First, to get to that national stage- that takes hard work! Then to continue into the post-season and go on to not only play in the National Championship game BUT to win it as well.
I hope those women understand what they are doing, that they are a part of history in an up & coming college. I hope that they could hear our cheers from so far away. I watched the game on my computer (in-between cleaning my house), I teared up watching the girls take the field after the game-winning goal by Kira Sharp. This is my team, this is my school and they have done something that other schools dream about.

I just want to tell you all how proud I am today. Congratulations on your win. Like Dr. J says on our radio ads: "It's a great day to be a Roadrunner."

I couldn't agree more.

Monday, November 06, 2006

All that Metro has to offer (the past couple of days, at least)

Even though I spend a lot of time on campus, I seem to find myself coming back for more. For example, this past Friday after I left work and after my weekend had begun, I came back.
Yeah. I did.
I came back to attend a function put on by some Music students. See, Hannah (one of my best friends) had bought tickets to this dance/get-to-know-you from her brother Victor. Vic is a MSCD student studying music. He is really talented and I look forward to going to see him play in a huge concert- so I can yell "I'm with band!" (and mean it!). Last year, Hannah and I attended the party and geeked out. It was so much fun! I made us dress like Greek Goddesses- togas, wreaths as headbands, sandals. We looked awesome, we danced like the fools we are (Sorry Hannah!) and just had a great time.
This year, we decided to go as zombies- easy costume right? Zombies, in case you didn't know, wear normal clothing, have white faces with dark eyes, and don't have to dance, as they walk around stiffly, saying "ARGHHHH!!!". We went, had a good time and once again, didn't win the costume contest.
My only complaint of the evening? Well, besides the nasty guys hitting on us at the bar later in the evening (that's another post, for another time), was the 30 minute break at the party where one person decided it would be fun to swing dance. I almost fell asleep, it was so boring. But I wasn't the only person not digging the swing dance- 90% of the party-goers thought this person lost their mind, stopping the party right when it was getting busy to teach people (what people?) how to swing dance. The worst part? They weren't even swing dancing to swing music- they were swinging to the waltz. I rest my case.
My next trip back to campus was on Sunday for the Women's Soccer game. Where I came in my own clothing, watched the game in said clothing and didn't smell like a nasty foot when I left the game (i.e. I was not in costume). I was able to talk to other Metro fans and see people I hadn't seen in a while. Not to name drop but here are a couple of people I saw or talked to: Mike Dunlap, his wife Molly and their daughter Ellie; Greg Muth, former Men's Basketball standout; my friend Leslie Brown, from my high school;and Elaine Becks and Michelle LeBoo, Metro's BIGGEST FANS.
Today, while working, I was able to partake in an extremely exciting event: a delegation from the People's Republic of China was visiting Metro and I was involved in the event. Okay, all I did was take notes during a small discussion but it was really cool to meet the delegates and get to be a part of history. We had hosted another delegation from the People's Republic of China in June, which was fun.
Did you know that Metro was the only college that both delegations visited? Shows you how hard the people of Metro are working, how the word of our accomplishments is being passed around, how sweet of an education you can receive here at Metro.
If you are interested in knowing, the most discussed topic was study abroad (for professors, students AND administrators). In case anyone with a lot of money who would like to donate to Metro for worthy students, who would benefit from studying in China, please feel free to contact our Institutional Advancement office at (303)556-5117. Or if you would like to donate money for the sake of giving your money to a wonderful college, you can also contact our Institutional Advancement office.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

auf Deutsch: Feste und Hauptschule

I have been asked to write in German for a post, so I am using my referate (report) about Holidays in Germany. Hopefully, it is grammitically correct; otherwise, I apologize to any Germans reading this. Don't hate me, I'm learning.

EDIT: I added some information about the Hauptschule. I hope you enjoy!

Fest im Jahreslauf
Fuer die Deutschen feiern sind wichtig. Die Deutschen haben vielen Feiertage, mehr religioese und weniger politische als Amerikaner. Das wichitigeste Fest des Jarhes ist das Weihnachtsfest. Die Deutschen feieren am 24. Dezember. Der Tag beginnt mit dem Weihnachtsbaum zu faellen und schmucken mit Kerzen brennen. Ein andere wichtige Feiertag ist Ostern. Viele Deutschen betten in die Kirche. Kinder suchen Osterei von dem Osterhase. Niemand in Deutschland feiern am 9. November, weil der Tag im Geschichte schleck waere. Am 9. November gibt Deutschland der Hitler Bierhall-Putsch, die Kristallnacht und das Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs. Ich bin der Meinung, dass Oktoberfest auch wichtig ist. So viele Menschen, die nicht alle in Deutschland lebt, feiern Oktoberfest.

Die Hauptshule
Die Hauptschule ist eine weiterfuehrende Schule. Studenten, die diese Schule besuchen, sind Lebenslektionen im Gegensatz zu Studenten im Realschule oder das Gymanisum gelernt, die brauchen hoehere Noten und akademischere Themen gelernt sind, zu Universitaet zu gehen. Die meisten Klassen im Hauptschule sind Grundlagen: Mathematik, Physik, Chemie, Geografie, Biologie, Geschichte, Musik, Kunst, Politik, Sport und Fremdsprache. Die Studenten lernen Deutsch und Englisch im Hauptschule. Manchmal koennen sie Franzoesisch lernen. Wenn die Studenten am Hauptschule fertig mit ihrer Erziehung gewesen sind, haben sie ein paar Optionen. Zuerst koennten sie entscheiden, die Arbeiterschaft anzuschließen, typisch an einer Anfaengerposition, wie ein Sekretaer. Zweitens koennten sie die Wahl in praktische berufliche Bildung, z.B. eine Mechanikerschule. Dritt, koennten sie entscheiden, ein Berufsfachschule zu besuchen. Zuletzt koennten sie versuchen, fuer Weiterbildung in den Realschule oder das Gymnasium zu qualifizieren, aber nur, wenn ihre Noten hoch genug sind.